What can I expect from a myofascial release therapy session?

After booking your session, I will send you intake paperwork to complete at least 24 hours before your session so I can learn about your issues and concerns ahead of time. The day before your initial session, I will email & text your directions with photos on how to easily find me in the Cummings Center.

At Transform Myofascial Release, I will perform an evaluation that includes an interview about your symptoms and how that is affecting your lifestyle, a review of your goals, a physical assessment of your symptoms, often including your posture both standing and lying down, strength and flexibility, and breathing. I will explain MFR and go over any questions you may have. Then you will experience a myofascial release treatment. After, I will recommend treatment frequency based you these findings and get you started with self-care techniques to continue releasing your restrictions and managing your symptoms at home.

When should I get myofascial release treatment?

The best time to address your pain is when you first feel it. The second-best time is now. If you are thinking of waiting to see if your issue will get better on its own or better after physical therapy, book a MFR session for 4 weeks out and if you are still in pain, come see me. If you feel better & don’t need it, great! You can cancel your appointment.

MFR is a safe & gentle technique that can help anyone. It is appropriate for anyone in pain, whether physical or emotional. Accidents, injuries, repetitive motions, poor posture all cause the fascia to tighten.

Emotional stress impacts everyone’s fascia whether you have been through a traumatic event or not. Our bodies keep score and our tissue tightens with every stressor. If you feel stuck in fight or flight, overwhelm, anxiety or exhaustion, unlocking your fascia can help get your system in balance.

Physical therapy, chiropractic care, acupuncture, etc can all be done in conjunction with MFR treatment. We are all addressing different systems in your body. The fascial system is the biggest in the body (it surrounds everything), so it is a big deal and should not be ignored. I am happy to speak with any of your care providers or recommend a quality provider in the area.

How is MFR different from massage?

Basic massage uses oils or lotion and has flowing movements gliding over muscles from their origins to their insertions. It generally follows a sequence from head to toe, arms & legs, then rollover & get the legs & back. Massage usually feels wonderful & relaxing, but it does not address the fascia. Deep tissue massage feels like it is doing something because it hurts but it also doesn’t address tight fascia. You may feel looser and have less pain after a traditional massage but if your pain returns soon after, it’s because the fascia was not addressed. With massage you typically undress to your comfort level and are continuously draped by a sheet.

MFR is performed directly on your skin with no oil or lotion, and involves slower, deliberate hands-on contact with maneuvers based on your range of motion assessment, symptoms, and fascial restrictions which may be in another part of the body away from where your symptoms are. Unlike massage, MFR doesn’t follow a sequence in the body. No two sessions are the same. You may be treated on lying on your back, your stomach, your side. . .on the treatment table, sitting in a chair or even standing. Each fascial maneuver is held for around 5 minutes which is the amount of time it takes for the fascia to let go, soften, and release. The pressure is either in a compression force or elongating & lengthening force and is not painful like deep tissue massage. With MFR, you typically wear a bra or tank top for women and shorts on the bottom because the treatment may have you moving around a little and the practitioner is always observing your body for changes. Sheets & blankets are available for your comfort. Most people are surprised by how relaxing the MFR treatment is, and it is not uncommon to drift off and fall asleep!

I’m currently getting physical therapy. I want to wait til it’s over before I try MFR. Aren’t they addressing my fascia?

If you are currently receiving physical therapy, don’t wait until you are discharged to get your fascia addressed. Your PT is limited by your insurance on how long they can manipulate your soft tissue, they spend part of your session teaching you exercises, and they may be multi-tasking treating other patients alongside you. So, your fascia is missing out. With MFR treatment you will get an hour of hands-on treatment and learn self-care techniques to use at home to continue to release your fascia and manage your pain. So combining MFR treatment along with the work your PT is doing will help you recover faster. It’s a win for your body.

Need a fantastic PT? Reach out and I can happily connect you with the talented PTs I see when my body needs help.

I see a chiropractor. Do I need MFR, too?

Your chiropractor wants you to feel better and they do this by adjusting the alignment of your bones. MFR lengthens the connective tissue (fascia) which surrounds the muscles that pull your bones out of alignment. Tight fascia is part of the reason why your chiropractic adjustments don’t last and your pain returns.

MFR and chiropractic care are a wonderful combination. If you are seeing a chiropractor, schedule your adjustment for after your MFR treatment to get greater relief.

Need a great chiropractor? Reach out. I’m happy to recommend a provider I trust.

Do I really need MFR? Can’t I just foam roll or do yoga?

Myofascial release is completely different from everything else you have tried because it purely addresses the tight fascia in your body. Other treatments (PT, chiropractors, massage, foam rolling) do not treat restrictions in fascia. If you were able to get yourself better on your own, you’d have done it by now. And if you have read this far, there’s a part of you that wants you to try MFR!

Would you wait to address a leak in your house or if your car was riding funny & making a strange sound? You don’t need to be in pain. Your body is your home for this lifetime. It needs to last! Listen to your body and take care of it.

I don’t have chronic pain, but I’ve been reading about my fascia & am curious… Can I still benefit from MFR?

Having your fascia addressed helps your overall health by creating more space in your body. Your fascia can tighten and restrict blood flow, nerves, and change your posture. Anyone can benefit from MFR and you don’t have to be in chronic pain to benefit!

How many visits will I need?

The frequency of visits recommended will depend entirely on your symptoms, the findings from your initial assessment, as well as what works best for you. I will give you a recommendation based on my clinical findings, and we can work from there to accommodate your schedule. Even if you can only come for one treatment, you will leave with tools to help you. After your problem has resolved, coming every 4-6 weeks helps maintain the health of your fascia and prevent new issues.

Do you take insurance?

Transform Myofascial Release LLC is an out-of-network provider, which means I am not limited by the restrictions of insurance companies. This allows me to provide a full hour of treatment tailored specifically to your needs and your timeline. I get to serve you, and not your insurance company.

It’s worth it for you to make a phone call to your insurance company to learn about your out-of-network benefits, and if you are eligible for partial or full reimbursement. I am happy to assist you in applying for reimbursement if you have out-of-network coverage. I can provide a monthly Superbill which contains all needed diagnostic & treatment codes, dates of service, etc needed for reimbursement and can assist in completing your out-of-network claim forms. It is up to you to call your insurance and print out these forms.

Can I use my health savings account or flexible spending account for this?

Yes! HSA and FSA reimburse for MFR treatments.  If you have an HSA or FSA debit card, you can use that as a form of payment.  Enter that card when you book your session.  Or, submit your receipts for reimbursement. 

Do I need a prescription?

You do not need a prescription or referral.

If you have out-of-network coverage, you should check with your insurance company to see if you require a referral. If so, you can call your PCP to obtain one.

Just had surgery?

The surgical site/joint needs to heal, and we’ll wait until your doctor clears you for MFR before working there. In the meantime, other areas of your body need attention. Think if you had a left knee replacement, your hips & back will want to get worked on because you’ve changed how you are moving.

Still have questions? Not sure if MFR is right for you?

Please give me a call! My mission is to help people get out of pain so they can live a better life. I know there are a lot of people in pain who have never heard of fascia or MFR. You’ve had a chance to read about it now I’d love for you to experience it!

Reach out! I’d love to hear from you, hear about your issues, answer your questions, and see if we are a good fit for each other.